Guide: How to transfer DBC from Huobi to DBC( ERC20) in imtoken, and trade in Uniswap

3 min readSep 27, 2021

1. Add an ETH wallet and obtain the address (you can download the App from the imtoken official website ).

If there is no DBC on the home page of your wallet, you can click the plus sign ➕ to search for [DBC] and add it to the home page.

2. Register an account on the exchange and get the DBC deposit address.

First, register an account on the exchange (official website address, and follow the guidance of the exchange website to complete the mobile phone binding and real-name authentication. Find the [Wallet-Deposit], select the coin [DBC], and select the chain [DBC], get a deposit address.

3. Go to Huobi exchange and withdraw DBC to exchange.

After selecting [Withdrawa], select the coin [DBC], fill in the [Withdrawal Address] with the deposit address we got in step 2, and fill in the amount you want to withdraw. Submit and wait for the exchange to process.

4. Back to and complete the process in the [Wallet-Withdraw].

Select [To address], select coin code[DBC], chain name [ETH/ERC20], and fill in the [address] with the ETH wallet address we got in step 1. After completing the password, SMS, and email verification of this interface, submit the withdrawal application and wait for the exchange to process it. You can see the status of your application in [Recent Withdrawals].

5. Enter Uniswap in imtoken APP

6. Add DBC(ERC 20) through the contract address and then you can do the transaction.

choose [select a token], and paste the contract address of DBC(ERC 20)

0x1F735f84b07cc20E9aC471C291a87b5A2428d518 into the blank, follow the guide on the page and add DBC, and then you can trade your DBC in Uniswap.




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