Event | Call for Guides on “How to install and use the Metaverse Platform Omniverse on DeepBrain Chain”

2 min readJan 13, 2022

Come and get DBC rewards!

The DeepBrain Chain computing power mainnet has been launched, and GPUs can be rented on the chain to create various services and applications. For details, see https://galaxyrace.deepbrainchain.org/table

Nvidia recently announced that the metaverse platform Omniverse will be open to artists and creators around the world for free! Nvidia says Omniverse, which has invested hundreds of millions of dollars, is the culmination of more than 20 years of pioneering work that brings graphics, artificial intelligence, simulation and scalable computing into a single platform to enhance existing 3D workflows.

With Omniverse, GeForce RTX Studio creators can connect their favorite 3D design tools into a single scene and simultaneously create and edit across apps.

To this end, we are collecting guides on “How to install and use the Metaverse Platform Omniverse on DeepBrain Chain” from the community.

Works Criteria

I. Submission Criteria

Works should be submitted by email before January 26, 2022, 23:59 (UTC+8). Send the works (links or attachments) to service@deepbrainchain.org, and at the same time, provide the wallet address used to receive DBC rewards in the email.

II. The guides should includes

1. How to create a DBC mainnet wallet address and buy DBC on the exchange

2. Use the purchased DBC to rent GPU cloud servers on the chain

3. Create a virtual machine on the leased GPU cloud server

4. Install the omniverse software on the GPU cloud server virtual machine

5. Use omniverset on the GPU cloud server for artistic creation (a simple example will do)

III. Other Criteria

  1. The content should be laid out in a clear and logical manner and should not contain any major errors.

2. The duration of the video guide should not exceed 15 minutes.

3. The guide in .doc should contain both text and various images.

4. Any form of copying or plagiarism is prohibited.

Event Rewards

Submit a guide that meets the Work Criteria, and you can get DBC rewards!

A video guide:30000 DBC

A doc guide:15000 DBC

The excellent guide selected by the official will be rewarded with 50000 DBC and an NFT bronze medal. The selected works will be published through the official Twitter, medium and youtube.

Other Details

1. The evaluation will be carried out by the official organizers. The official organizers will assess the guides that meet the criteria on the basis of their, completeness, clarity of explanation, composition, and layout.

2. The criteria may be supplemented in the case of disruptive actions to the community or unfair submissions. In this case, these additions to the criteria will be applicable to all entries submitted prior to the supplementation.




DeepBrain Chain-building the most important computing infrastructure in the era of AI + Metaverse