3 min readJul 1, 2020

DeepBrain Chain Progress Report #67 06.16–06.30

Dear DeepBrain Chain community members,

Please see below for the latest update on the project.

I. Product Development Progress

For machine users:

  • Newly revamped DBC cloud platform is now live, we added a high-stability AI training zone, all machines in this zone can and have ran stably for 144 hours or more, and the miners have pledged a certain amount of DBCs, in the event of any problem, in addition to returning the DBCs already used, there will be an additional compensation of DBC;
  • Added support for Filecoin snark GPU computing;
  • Added discounts for monthly, quarterly and annual machine subscriptions;
  • Added the possibility of renting all the GPUs in one machine;
  • Added AI inference zone, if users rent the machine(s) in this zone they can use the additional APIs;
  • The layout of the website interface has been revamped to make the categories clearer;
  • Added the function of renting DBC Super Node, if you want to participate in DBC Super Node, you don’t need to buy your own machine, you just need to pledge a certain amount of DBC then you will be able to rent machines inside the DBC network and participate in producing blocks.

For machine providers:

  • Added pledging function , and to access the High-Stability AI training zone, a machine needs to run reliably for at least 144 hours and pledge a certain amount of DBC;
  • Added shelving and de-shelving of machine(s) function;

AI computing network:

  • Added mirror for Deepshare competition;
  • Officially went live with a filecoin snark computing mirror;
  • Added the function to delete junk files automatically;
  • Added DBC super node mirror;

DBC mainnet testnet:

  • Super node deployment is being optimized to facilitate one-click deployment of super nodes in machines on the DBC network;
  • Made DBC super node mirror.

II. Marketing Progress

  • Nearly 12,000 DBC Network AI users were registered as of 24:00 GMT on June 30, 2020, Beijing time. The DBC Network will be even more focused on serving quality users and institutions with the capacity to pay;
  • A new version of DBChain has gone live and has been well received by users, with active participation in testing;
  • The DBC Mainchain testnetw continues to be tested;
  • Several Filecoin vendors testing DBC cloud GPU solution.

III. Ecosystem Building

  • 16 2080ti added to the DBC GPU network;
  • More than 100GPUs lined up waiting to join the DBC GPU network;
  • Spoken to more than 15 Filecoin mining pool brands about GPU compute power cooperation, with a demand of roughly 200 GPUs;
  • Created solutions for HD miners who want to participate in Filecoin mining;
  • If you have or know of resources regarding Filecoin mining brands or miners please get in touch, if a cooperation occurs as a result you will be rewarded;
  • Still looking for GPUs to join our network, mainly 2080Ti GPUs:

Machine and environment requirement:

  • Hardwear: (CPU doesn’t have to be AMD)

GPU: 2080Ti

RAM: 256G (priority given to ones with 512G)

Hard Disk: each GPU will have at least 2T

  • Machine environment:

Internet bandwidth above 100Mbps, stable power grid

How to apply:

E-mail below information to:

Name, country, mobile, e-mail address, WeChat/Telegram, introduction on your machine (including: amount, parameters, environment and so on), picture of your machine(s)

WeChat add ID: zhouyubest

OR Telegram add ID: 18221230521

OR e-mail:,

when contacting us please add note: AI compute power.

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Try our product as an AI user or a GPU power provider:

Main social media platform:

Telegram (English)

About DeepBrain Chain

DeepBrain Chain is the world‘s first AI computing platform driven by blockchain. It uses blockchain technology to help AI companies save up to 70% of computing costs while protecting data privacy in AI training. Its vision is to build a “Decentralized AI Cloud Computing Platform”.

Yours sincerely,

The DeepBrain Chain Team


DeepBrain Chain-building the most important computing infrastructure in the era of AI + Metaverse